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Showing posts from July, 2018


MAGLEV TRAIN Maglev  (derived from  mag netic  lev itation) is a system of train transportation that uses two sets of magnets, one set to repel and push the train up off the track as in levitation (hence Maglev, Magnetic-levitation), then another set to move the 'floating train' ahead at great speed taking advantage of the lack of friction. Within certain "medium range" locations (usually between 200-400 miles) Maglev can compete favorably with high speed rail and airplanes. With Maglev technology, there are no moving parts. The train travels along a guide way of magnets which control the train's stability and speed. Maglev trains are therefore quieter and smoother than conventional trains, and have the potential for much higher speeds. Maglev vehicles have set several speed records and Maglev trains can accelerate and decelerate much faster than conventional trains; the only practical limitation is the safety and comfort of the passengers.   The p...


LIST OF SOME HOMES THAT CAN WITHSTAND DISASTER 1. RUSSIAN SKY-DOME   Russian company Sky Dome designed sustainable, sturdy dome homes that can withstand loads of up to “700 kilograms of snow per square meter.” Called the “home of the future,” these domes are designed for the comfort and safety of people who battle extreme winter weather. The round shape results in less heat loss so residents don’t have to pay so much for electrical bills, another benefit for those who live in northern latitudes. Sky Dome constructs their houses using natural materials such as pinewood, seaweed, flax, and cork.  2. Fire and water are no match for Vagavond’s Off-grid Orange Tiny House   This Orange tiny house from Vagavond will stand up to pests, water, fire, and harsh weather. It is 100 percent free from harmful building materials,and sustainably constructed utilizing elements such as a galvalume roof and non-toxic pressure treated plywood sheathing. Naturally insul...